"DIGITAL XTC CD-ROM" Welcome to DIGITAL XTC'S CD-ROM. This CD-ROM provides "Digital Seduction" CD-Rom viewers with video of unequaled quality and pleasure. This CD-Rom plays to PC/AT's with high color display cards or standard VGA display cards that are supported with a VESA driver. INSTALLATION FILE FOR DIGITAL XTC CD-ROMS! To configure your PC with Expanded Memory, make sure your Config.sys file has the following: DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 2048 FRAME=e000 RAM If you use QEMM: DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS RAM (Instead of HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE) If you are using any other type of memory manager you must look in your manual for the appropriate line to be added to your Config.Sys. 1. Insert the Digital XTC CD into your CD-ROM drive 2. Access your CD-ROM drive [e.g. E: F: ] 3. At the prompt for the system, type "INSTALL D C ". This Example is if your D drive is a CD-Rom drive and you wish to install the Dirtectory to the C Drive. Follow Instructions. [e.g. D E ] - Do not use a colon after the CD-ROM drive letter 4. Once installation is finished a D_XTC directory will be created on the Hard drive. 5. To start "Digital Seduction" go to the D_XTC directory on your Hard Drive and type "GO" . 6.) If you do not have the DOS directory in your path you may get a bad command when you run the install - - The files that need to be copied are: - TMMPLAY.EXE & .GXL - ?.GFT - TESTAUD.EXE - TEST.WAV - THE GO.BAT FILE FROM THE ?PLAY DIR. - CD-ROM = D - GO TO DPLAY DIR; ETC.. - README.TXT 7.)If your Hard drive is something other than the "C" drive - run the install as noted, with one exception: Example: INSTALL F D THIS IS FOR A CD-ROM OF F AND HARD DRIVE OF D * ONCE THE INSTALL IS FINISHED YOU MUST EDIT THE GO.BAT FILE - CLS @ ECHO OFF SET TMMLIB=D:\D_XTC TMMPLAY F:\OPEN.TMM YOU MUST EDIT THE TMMLIB=?:\D_XTC LINE * 8.) The Audio test program is run by typing TESTAUD TEST.WAV This will configure the TMMPLAY to run with your Audio Card. - IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS PLEASE CONTACT THE TECH SUPPORT LINE AT PHONE: 800-200-2766 FAX: 818-879-8749 BBS: 818-879-9299 _________________________________________________________________________ Your video card needs to be VESA compliant. Most cards require drivers loaded as TSRs during boot. If you do not have one of these drivers, please contact the card manufacturer. Common questions and problems: 1.) The image is very poor - few colors and bad resolution. You have a non-VESA card or the VESA driver is not loaded when running the program. Add the driver to your Autoexec.Bat RECOMMENDED COMPUTER CONFIGURATION IS AS FOLLOWS: - 386-20/486-33 Mhz. - Supported 15 bit high color VGA adapter. - MPC compatible CD-ROM drive (minimum throughput of 150 - Kilobytes per second) for proper video playback. - Microsoft or compatible mouse. - VGA monitor compatible with video adapter and/or VESA driver. - 640 KB base memory (540 KB base memory free.) - 2 megabytes EXPANDED memory. - 540K OF CONVENTIONAL MEMORY - DOS 3.3 or higher. NOTE: If the CD-ROM drive letter is changed after installing this disk, you will need to run the installation again. NOTE: If the CD-ROM does not run with your Video Card you may need to add the appropriate VESA drivers for your system. TERMS: The software and files on this CD-ROM have no guarantee of any type whatsoever. By purchasing this CD, the user agrees that DIGITAL XTC will not be held liable for any damages, including lost profits, savings, or any other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or the presence of any program, or the inability to use this program or any of the programs from this CD, even if DIGITAL XTC has been notified of the possibilty of such damages, or for any claims by any other party. Our only warranty is limited to this actual CD-ROM: It is deemed to be free from physical defects for 30 days from date of purchase. If it's defective, DIGITAL XTC will replace it with the same type for 30 days.